Everyone wears white tees 'cause they can afford itGirls wear white teesBoys wear white tees-Dem Franchize Boyz "White Tees"
Loves, let me preface this post by saying I never thought I'd quote Dem Franchize Boyz on *Right-Click Save*. And for that, I must apologize. *hangs head in shame*
But seriously, a simple white t-shirt is a staple item for everyone's wardrobe. It provides the perfect canvas for you to express yourself. Dress it up, dress it down, do whatever you like.
Throw on a pair of your favorite worn-in jeans, a la Bruce Springsteen.

Photo Credit: www.buffsrob.posterous.com
Pair your tee with a turban and vintage trousers, like Karla Deras.

Photo Credit: www.karlascloset.blogspot.com
Sweet tee: wear a modest skirt with your cropped white t-shirt and you'll still be super sexy, like Delmy Rivera is here.

Photo Credit: www.fashionbananas.com
*Note to self, amp up the cardio and crunches ASAP
Maybe you'd like to drop that hemline even lower.

Photo Credit: www.be-classic.com
Or bend it like Victoria Beckham and carry a Kelly (and a baby) with your jeans and tee.

Photo Credit: www.thebaglady.tv
There are tons of white tees to choose from, with a wide range of price points--buy them 3-in-a-pack from Wal-mart or score a version from Alexander Wang.
How do you rock your white t-shirt?