Chanel does ChavThis summer I just couldn't seem to stop playing Lily Allen's first single 'Smile' on my ipod. The happy but infectious raggae slant seemed to have the healing effects of Prozac - don't worry I didn't follow her lead and get revenge by paying thugs to beat up my boyfriend... and let's hope Karl didn't listen too closely either?
We are to assume however that he too couldn't get that song out of his head... as she is apparenlty slated to become the next unlikely face of Chanel. Following in the footsteps of Cat Power, Lily Allen was flown into Paris during fashion week, sat front row at Chanel (dressed head-to-toe), and then quietly visited the famous fashion HQ in Paris. Karl has apparently decided that her hi/lo mix will become signature Chanel style for early 07.Lily on the other hand has allegedly been seen swapping her signature trainers for Chanel pumps - and gold hoops for interlocking C's at recent shows. Check out her second video below....