Fashion Time   +  Inspiration

Fine by Jane, fine by me
While I am a very big proponent of the combination of shorts and tights, I feel that there is a certain level of disdain and eye-rolling involved in the viewers of said look. This is fine and everyone has their own favored style but I just thought this Jane Birkin photo was too adorable not to post. Though her carefree bohemian attitude and ethereal beauty would probably allow her to pull off a neon clown suit with shoulder pads and crocs, I feel her being a purveyor of this type of outfit allllmost puts it in the category of classics. Or perhaps I've just gone completely mental.

More modern interpretation. Sort of channeling a hipper, more French Jessica Alba, non?

PS sorry for the dearth of daily outfit posts this week, I've been traveling (seeing about the fashion opportunity of a lifetime) and just now am getting settled back in. Hopefully many new pictures to come this weekend!

Edited to add this much-too-appropriate-not-to-post photo of Lou Doillon from GARANCE DORÉ. Pulling off this look must run in the family.