What is with me having missed so many iconic movies from the '80s and '90s? I've learned the hard way not tell people that I've never watched Sixteen Candles or Top Gun lest they sputter and fume. I usually blame it on a childhood spent in Japan and Hong Kong, but this never seems to impress the sputterers. But it's okay, such gaping holes in one's cinematic lexicon are inexcusable. I am slowly rectifying this, and finally got around to watching True Romance with the boyfriend last night after having it inefficiently sit around in it's Netflix envelope for a week or so. It was relatively gripping from start to finish and just as violent as one would expect a Tarantino film to be. But, more notably, I found myself silently thinking how hipster-relevant Patricia Arquette's '90s call-girl-turned-criminal wardrobe was. I didn't dare share this insight with the boyfriend for fear of having him think me insane, but I can definitely imagine the pink leopard print leggings and grungy Detroit getup on a Finnish street style site or even the pages of Nylon. And I would kill for those obnoxious turquoise sunnies and perfect leopard print coat.
Fashion crushes aside, Christopher Walken is amazing forever, Brad Pitt played (a VERY tiny role of) the stoner quite impressively, and Christian Slater and Patricia Arquette as Clarence and Alabama Worley were extremely young and extremely charming. I oddly enough had the luck to meet Christian Slater at the San Francisco airport in 2000 and had him sign my boarding pass (I was so lame!) while he waited for John Woo to pee. I found him kind, short, and not quite as dashing as I now know his 1993 self was. But, one more movie checked off the endless queue.