Today is my last day in South Korea. Not sure when I'll come back (maybe next year? hehe) but I am happy to be going back home to LA although I'll only be there for a couple days and then will travel again. This summer I'll be on a plane atleast 10 times in a less than a 2 month period. I haven't really traveled overseas eversince I graduated high school so I guess I'm doing all of my traveling at once. I'm super duper sad to leave my ridiculously cute grandma here with the greedy uncles but then again I realized that my grandma is an extremely smart person and probably won't get her inheritance stolen by them. plus at least my mom is the only daughter so we get to keep all of her jewelries and nice handbags. heheI'll miss you halmunee(grandma in Korean) and it was nice seeing you for the second time ojiisan(grandpa in Japanese) I'll get you a cowboy hat next time when I come back from the states ojiisan.