In beautiful beautiful Piha an hour or so outside of Auckland, wearing my favorite summer basics + the raddest jacket I've ever seen. Lou and Ash is a new NZ label designed by Ava Sanders..everything is handknit and has this unmistakable look that's unlike anything I've seen before. I keep on thinking I'm going to reach a plateau with my knitwear obsession but instead I just get crazier about fringing and patchworking and now the progression into knit shorts and dresses and the like is looming. Thank you to Anna and her adorable dog Olly for showing us some of the beautiful countryside. So adorable was he that even after barfing in Colin's lap (hey, windy roads) during the car ride over his charms remained irresistible. The best part about it being that he had been sitting with me for twenty minutes and quite purposefully made his way over to Colin in order to make himself more comfortable. We can't wait to go back and spend a week tromping around in the wilderness..this place puts Hawaii to shame. I have so much more from both NZ and NY to post! Still finding memory cards to download. Sorry about that last shot, Marc is clearly a vampire since every shot where he's even just milling around in the background of the photo comes out blurry. Weird.