For most fellows, summer signals a time to break into color: pastel polos, sherbet-hued shorts, neon trainers. But I don't really think color works for me (save for the occasional burst of primary hues) and so I seize summertime as a chance to don all white, the reverse of my inky wintertime staple. For me, wearing this non-color from head to toe evokes a sort of colonial cool; I can imagine the iconic haciendero or feudal landlord paying a visit to his pineapple farm in the tropics looking strikingly bright in his spotless white getup whilst discussing matters of the ranch with his soiled-clothed subjects.

All white isn't all that hard to pull off. Having patterns on the top works to soften the head-to-toe blankness, and I found that beige shoes or belts marry well with the white without sticking out too much. And unlike the feudal landlord from the 1800s, don't be afraid to get your trousers a little grimey---I think it adds character!
On that note of sticking out in all white, allow me to present Bleach Catastrophe: a Filipino label that, I think, stands out from the pack. Bleach Catastrophe evolved from being a t-shirt focused garment factory into a trove of artistic, interesting pieces. The name was created when the owners were playing this word game "The Exquisite Corpse", a game wherein surrealist painters and 1920's literaries would combine random words to form irrational phrases, and then interpret that phrase into an art piece. The owners finally came up with "Bleach Catastrophe", which reminded them of the experience of having one's favorite t-shirt accidentally stained with bleaching detergents. (via Bleach Catastrophe)
Their pieces range from the clever and wearable,

to the esoteric and mildly disturbing.

Goodbye for now as I retreat to the comforts of my summer palace...

photos not of me via Bleach Catastrophe