Fashion Time [local designers]
Under the Argentine Sky
Cold Picnic at Pool Supplies
'Bunds and Bondage
Smitten by Britten
Metallics in Manila
DIY: The Rorschach Inkblot Jacket
Paco in Paris
The Perfect Pleated Pants
Bleached Blank
An Apology Letter to Raf Simons + Philippine Fashion Week Style Spotting
New Hat!
Project Accomplished: The Linen Chinese Jacket
Shades of Greige
project accomplished: full shorts
________ is the new goth
I never thought I'd wear jammies outside the house
unisex style + dye job # 2
Blue-collar Butch, Manual-labor Masculinity + harem pants
And today's ridiculously frivolous purchase is...
a couple of new pants