Hot Dudes Doing Cute Things: Cary Grant, Noted Face Sniffer

i could have danced all night

and after all, i'm only sleeping

Shop It to Me: Audrey Hepburn's Gamine Style

put yo hood up

Audrey Hepburn

and so this is christmas

Black and White Photography

i heart new york

put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty

the water’s warm and children swim, and we frolicked about in our summer skin

i want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle

pigtails and freckles, braces on your teeth, who would have thought they'd become so sublime? i would have thought, for i thought so all the time

but for now we are young, let us lay in the sun, and count every beautiful thing we can see

when i’m in the middle of a dream, stay in bed, float up stream

she looked so bright in pixie hair, she made me know how much i cared

heavy metal

don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got 'till it's gone

when you see the view from the eiffel tower, the paris skyline at dark, then you'll understand that we've travelled too many miles to stay apart

they'll name a city after us