Fashion Time [2008-12-21]
The Day After Christmas
Non-fashion related..
Boredom Breeds Evil
Vogue Vogue Vogue
The Story of Bonnie and Clyde
Little Willow
the sun shines through
Waiting Patiently....
That Daring, Darling Holly Golightly
Christmas Eve
Merry Christmas O' Glossy Ones!
The Pattie Chronicles: The Makeup
Jean Genie
Happy Xmas (War is over)
Dear Brigitte
The Pattie Chronicles: Modeling, the 'Mod Bod,' and Photography
The Pattie Chronicles: Relationships and Muse-ing
The Reign of Jane
The Pattie Chronicles: The Demeanor
The Pattie Chronicles: The Beginning
The First Time
Heart of Darkness
beach to the street
picks of the week
Working during the holidays + the pomp
Messing With the Classics
Sunny Day
Manuel Seal