Then and Now: Elizabeth Taylor and Lindsay Lohan

put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty

you're number eight, your name is jane, with black hair, braids, and black lines around your eyes

somebody help me, my neck hurt, my chain heavy

the water’s warm and children swim, and we frolicked about in our summer skin

nothing matters, except life and the love you make

and you, you keep me warm

Then and Now: Elizabeth Taylor and Kim Kardashian

suddenly someone is there at the turnstyle, the girl with kaleidoscope eyes

hills of forest green where the mountains touch the sky, a dream come true, I’ll live there ‘til I die, I’m asking you, to say my last goodbye, the love we knew ain’t worth another try

Top Ten "Jailbait" Movies

'cause i know for sure, nobody should be that poor, to say, yes, or sink low, because you happen to say so, say so, you say so

"Private? What makes you think my life is private?"