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Random Garden Tips

If you have strawberries, you have probably noticed that they are just now putting on sweet blooms. I prefer not to use strawberry netting because I've had incidents with smaller birds and hummers getting caught up in it...HOWEVER, I do not want to lose all my sweet berries to the Scrub Jays!

Try this; Take a walnut (whole or half) or a small hard plastic ball (a ping pong ball, golf ball, etc) and paint it strawberry red and let it dry. Once it's completely dry, tuck it out in the middle of your strawberry patch near a clump of blooms. You will see the Jays and other birds peck the dickens out of this shell/ball. The Jay's will think you are the worst gardener for having rock hard berries and pass the word to their kin, not to waste their time.

Once your real berries come on, they should leave them alone.

Mmmmmm...I can't wait for my strawberries!