In Which George Harrison Illustrates My Life Troubles

and after all, i'm only sleeping

Top 10: Songs About Crushes

put yo hood up

Hot Dudes Doing Cute Things: The Beatles Love Tea (and British Stereotypes)

let's get together, the two of us, over a glass of champagne

and so this is christmas

Name That Beatle!

it's been too long since we took the time

Linda McCartney Photography: All in the Family

the water’s warm and children swim, and we frolicked about in our summer skin

i want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle

i wanna be where the boys are

i'm going on down to yasgur's farm, i'm gonna join in a rock and roll band, i'm gonna camp out on the land, i'm gonna set my soul free

David Bailey: Rock and Roll Heroes

when you see the view from the eiffel tower, the paris skyline at dark, then you'll understand that we've travelled too many miles to stay apart

life is very short, and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friends

hills of forest green where the mountains touch the sky, a dream come true, I’ll live there ‘til I die, I’m asking you, to say my last goodbye, the love we knew ain’t worth another try

this is halloween, everybody make a scene

give me a sign