let's get together, the two of us, over a glass of champagneNew Year's Eve is the best night of the year for some people -- it's the last chance to make the year into the best on ever. But for a lot of others, there's so much hype around NYE and what it's supposed to be that the night is often a bust. In my opinion, it doesn't matter exactly what you do, but how you do it. Whether you're going out to party 'till the wee hours of the morning or just want a champagne toast while on the couch with your loved ones, here are some no-fail tips to having an excellent eve:
Surround yourself with decadenceIt doesn't matter if you're dancing it up in the trendiest nightclub or sitting at home with the movie on, New Year's Eve is the ultimate night for being overindulgent. Embrace your inner hedonist and say yes to everything tonight. For those going out, dress to the nines and drink lavishly and dance to the point of exhaustion. If you're staying in, take a lovely bubble bath surrounding by candles, tuck into a box of your favorite truffles (my favorites are Charbonnel et Walker Marc de Champagne), and watch some Godard films on Criterion while waiting for the clock to strike midnight.Go crazy with makeupBecause seriously, why not? Try that makeup tutorial you found online ages ago and have been itching to do. Do some outrageous eye or dramatic lip, because I can't think of any other night where the wilder the look is not just accepted, but expected.Wear something sparklyYou'll need to wear something to compete with the silver ball in Times Square. My usual aim when it comes to dressing for a night is to look like I'm soliciting sex at Studio 54. Drink champagneChampagne is different from all other alcohol because there is something innately lovely and dreamy about it. As Jimmy Stewart says in The Philadelphia Story, "Champagne's funny stuff. I'm used to whiskey. Whiskey's a slap on the back, and champagne's a heavy mist for my eyes." I don't care how nerdy this may sound, but I always feel like I'm in the court of Marie Antoinette whenever the champagne flows.DanceI'm just a big proponent of dancing at every opportunity in life, so please do this tonight.Have a wild timeMake sure that no matter what you do, you have a fantastic time. This comes from surrounding yourself with people you adore, indulging in some treats, and looking and feeling wonderful.And hopefully, if you're successful in these steps, you'll look like this the morning afterHappy New Years, dollies! See you again in 2013! Title: from "A Glass of Champagne" (Sailor)