Currently Playing [None]

As my friends and JL are playing video games at the moment, I'm taking the chance to make my last entry of 2012. As tradition, I have posted my favourite looks of 2012. (You can check out my previous favorite looks here & here) Yes, you may have noticed that this year I don't have as many looks due to the fact that many other things have taken priority over this blog. As I reflect on all that has happened in the past year, I feel like a broken record by saying how blessed I've been this year. Probably the most memorable event of this year was my convocation back in June. It's still shocking to think that I can no longer deem myself as a "student" but instead I am a finally "teacher". Also, securing a full-time job position at a private school was also a blessing. (Not many students who graduated this year can say that they are doing something in their fields, especially for teachers). And of course, I cannot forget you guys! Yes, you my loyal readers! So there are a lot of things that I need to be thankful for.
When the chapter of 2012 closes, I'm going to leave an empty page for the next one. For 2013, I'm going to leave everything to above. Whatever comes, whether good or bad, I'm going to welcome them with open arms knowing that I am being watched over. Have a safe New Years Eve and I wish all of you nothing but the best for 2013!! I love you all!