At the start of my saga, I was bumming around my apartment, doing all sorts of things while halfheartedly contemplating my future: I was bettering my mind.

I was chilling with my homies ... and my gnomies.

But mostly I was just laying around in bed.

Then, it all got crazy! After deciding to move to New York City in a month's time, I started to try to get plans in order and think about what I could do when I was there.

It was during this time that I LOST my Dolly Rocker Girl domain (this here site!) and had to go through lots to get it back in my possession.

This quest led me to realize my email account was hacked and I had to regain access to that, during which I found out my actual computer had been hacked into as well, forcing me to surrender my laptop to the computer tech wizards (and causing me to experience a wide range of negative emotions).

Following that, I prepared for my third big move of the summer to a new apartment (not to New York quite yet) and did not have internet for several days because of an annoying misunderstanding with the internet company.

This was alright because I've been attempting to get everything in order for my move to NYC in exactly one week, so I haven't had time to blog ... but still, I was not amused.

On top of that, I had a particularly traumatic hair emergency. ('Sup.)
I thrive in pressure in academic and professional senses, but I don't do well with stress in my personal life. Probably because most of my personal stresses are all just SO dumb and rather unimportant. It seems, at the moment at least, that the storm of stress is calming down for me -- at least, until I move next Wednesday.

And that, in unnecessary length, is why I haven't blogged in a while.