Fashion Time   +  Inspiration

even side

(eBayed shirt, Stevie jeans courtesy of Elizabeth and James, UO leopard scarf, Ray-ban aviators, Jessica Simpson heels, Balenciaga bag)

What I wore today while running last minute errands before flying out to New York tomorrow for the Forever 21 store opening in Times Square..which devolved into dinner at one of our favorite Japanese restaurants instead of packing. I figure I'll sort it out in the morning and just throw everything I'm liking the most into a suitcase/hope for the best/what I always do no matter what. I wanted to bring these jeans because I'm obsessed with them but 90 degree weather forecasts killed that idea...the top I bought months ago on eBay from South Korea (keyword fringe can be useful) and forgot all about it until it finally arrived in a spacey silver mailer last week and turned out to be the most perfect fringe tshirt ever. The only weird part being that the label in the back reads "Colin". Random.