gilded gold starsNothing complements a shirt pin-dotted with tiny star shapes better than a bib of shiny gold stars.secondhand necklace, H&M shirt, J. Crew belt, Zara pleated pants, H&M shoesThese gold-embroidered velvet slippers have been my go-to shoes for quite a while now. I need more of them in my life. Yesterday was my first 4th of July in the US. On a nice summer evening, rooftops with a view can make any brewed beverage or grilled food item taste ten times better. Stars and stripes! Happy America Day!fireworks on the Hudson River And another star stamp on my giddy kindergarten-boy hand, a feature on the website of ASOS, one of the biggest British online retailers:Clicking on "Shop The Look" takes you to pages and pages of ASOS items chosen inspired by my look, which, in my opinion, was just as fascinating as being part of the feature. ASOS now ships to the US for a flat rate of $6 for standard shipping an $14 for express. I know I just recently took advantage of that; talk about buying from your own "Shop The Look" section! Many, many thanks to ASOS and Steve for making me a part of this. photos via Tony Shi and ASOS