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I'm clearly still jetlagging since I'm up right now at six in the morning. Did I mention that I'm starting summer school today (11:30am - 2:30pm classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) and also back to work at HomeLife later tonight? Now I'm really getting back to reality. Did I also mention that I quit H&M this past Saturday? Sorry girls, no more insider updates of the store! My reasons for quitting were complicated and perplex. I can't even say that I'll miss working there even for the discount because the truth is, the management is not worth my time.
I wanted to share these last few photos from Hong Kong before I crawl back into bed in an attempt to fall back asleep. This was just before I boarded the plane at the Hong Kong airport. That's the grandmother who raised me and who became my role model when I was 4 years old.