The Late-summer JacketSummer is coming to an end, albeit hesitantly, and it is becoming increasingly tolerable to wear more than one layer out on the streets. Having moved from a tropical island to a temperate country with a rainbow of climates, I have learned that for these in-between seasons, I must find in-between solutions that keep me comfortable and dressed appropriately for the weather. Nothing serves that function as well as my purchase for the season: this Assembly New York double-collar washed linen jacket with extendable knit cuffs:crumpled daisies, double-collars, and a heart on my lapel I love the organic shape created by the washed linen, and the seemingly buttonless look created with the use of fabric-covered snap buttons. For nippier summer nights, the knit cuffs are super-long and serve very well to cover my hands very sensitive to changes in temperature.Assembly New York jacket, Old Hollywood heart pin, Junya Watanabe x Comme des Garcons shirt, Paul Smith belt, tailor-made pleated pants, vintage shoesTexture play. Semi-stiff crumpled cotton shirt, miniature studs on thick leather, washed linen, and knit. Photos today courtesy of my office buddy Lisa Mettier, who, by the power of her native American talismans, magically grew a full mane of curly black hair in just one week:Native American blanket from a flea market in Manhattan, Ann Demeulemeester purse (worn as necklace), Cheap Monday shirt, vintage leather shorts, boots from IF New York, limited edition Kostume bag Lisa is one of the brilliant minds behind Kostume: a fashion show in Zurich, Switzerland, created in an effort to discover new talent from all over the world. Send over your contact details and lookbooks to if you wish to participate in this project. The third Kostume is in November, watch out for it!Details. Her DIY knotted bracelet that I need on my wrist, and the furniture-like support frames that hold up the wooden heels on the boots.