Dermagenics Men's Anti-aging cream is all-natural, with antioxidants and peptides extracted from marine plankton and squalene, and helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, decreases pore size, and firms up the skin.

I have been using the cream for a couple of weeks now, and I'd say it's really light and not at all greasy, and gets absorbed into the skin quite quickly. It's been great at preventing my skin from flaking in the cold Boston fall winds. And if it's anything, last week, I pulled an all-nighter for a school project and slathered on some Dermagenics to refresh my face before heading to class, and my friend DeAnna conceded that I looked so much prettier than her after an all-nighter. I think she's ravishing, so anything more beautiful than that must be divine.
Giveaway!Dermagenics is kind enough to give prizes to two lucky readers of The Dandy Project. Just send an e-mail to thedandyproject(at)yahoo(dot)com, answering the question "Name one natural ingredient in Dermagenics Men's Anti-aging Cream." Hint: for once, read the words I write, or alternatively, find the answers on the Dermagenics website.
The two winners will be chosen at random. Contest is open to all readers around the world. Good luck!
EDIT: Congratulations to Elizar Sto. Domingo and Erik Donhowe. The prizes will be sent once I get both of your delivery addresses. Thanks to all who joined!