martha my dear, you have always been my inspiration, please be good to me, martha my love, don't forget me, martha my dearBack in the 1960s, before becoming the Goddess of all things domestic, Martha Stewart worked as a model to support herself during her years at Barnard College. In addition to winning the title of one of the Best Dressed College Girls of 1961, as decided by Glamour Magazine, the young model also modeled for Chanel, though Martha herself has down played her time at the fashion house, saying that it was for "only one summer." The photos of Martha as a model are stunning - she hardly looks like the all-American hostess/jailbird that she is known as today. And yet, even as a young model, she still was possessed with the poise and steely composure that would be her trademarks to this day. Tory Burch pleaded with Martha to publicize many of her portfolio photos from her model days - and I'm happy that Ms. Stewart consented! Here's a glimpse at the homemaker's former glamour days, backcombed hair and all:Her apperance in the 1961 Glamour Magazine issue"This is 1961. It's a long white ribbed wool sweater dress. I think it sort of turned yellow-y. I had it for a quite long time. Some of the hair is mine, but in those days, we also wore those falls." - MS"This is probably around 1962 for Glamour Magazine. Modeling was great. I met all these great photographers and it paid my way through Barnard College. At the same time as all of this I was in college. We did it all. Women today seem to have a harder time trying to do all of that at once ... It's hard but we managed. And we still cooked." - MS"That's a modeling picture from 1960. It's a cute little dress that's perfect for today - a great beach dress. I love the hat. I love the sunglasses. I love the white banded watch." - MS"That's on a real sail boat in Long Island Sound in the early 60s. I love that shirt - Tory makes a shirt like that. And it has the beautiful scarf pattern on the back. I love the headband." - MS"That's from Ms. Magazine, around 1965. That's what I would have worn to work on Wall Street at the time. It's a really cute trench coat. They never went out of style. The short little gloves I just love. The square Rolex watch I still cherish." - MS