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So I finally caved in and purchased a shearling jacket. JL has pointed it out to me recently that no matter which store I walk into, I would go straight to the jacket section and try on anything with shearling. Since this one actually fits (the ones from H&M and Zara, even in the smallest size were too big for me), he convinced me to buy it. Though the outer layer is not leather but rather it's a cotton-type material, it still set me back $150. But what can I say? I love that green and I haven't seen it in any other stores. Plus, I used my AE coupon that they send me for my birthday and saved 15%.
One more thing, I had ordered this fox tail, along with another one, from a buyer on Ebay during the end of September. However, the shipment took sooooooooooooo long that I only received both of the tails this past week. This was without a doubt the worst Ebay experience thus far! Not only did the buyer refused to give me a refund after 30 days, she hardly replied me emails! I'm just happy that they are finally, finally here. I had already been asked if I had killed a real animal just to get the tail. Haha.