chains, my baby's got me locked up in chainsLet's go another round and see how the style trendsetters of today match up against the style trailblazers of yesteryears, shall we? Mr. T ... Kourtney KardashianOn a November shopping trip in New York City with sis Kim, Kourtney looks like she raided Mr. T's jewelry box, wearing an incredible Micha Design cross necklace. I personally really dig this look - it's a definite risk, but the gal pulls it off seamlessly. Kourtney has grown to become a celebrity who isn't afraid to take risks when it comes to fashion, which I commend. (But I suppose if you're boyfriend is Scott 'I-wear-leopard-print-loafers-and-rock-Gordon-Gekko-hair' Disick, you have a superior view of what is edgy). I'm so tired of the endless stream of new 'It'-girls who wear safe, sweet little dresses and heels, and think that they are God's gift to fashion. Maybe Scott is good for something, after all. Penelope Tree ... Gisele BundchenAfter doing her best Bardot impression, Gisele Bundchen tries her hand at recreating the legendary look of Penelope Tree. While Gisele is arguably as influential in the fashion world (being the highest-paid supermodel ever) as Penelope Tree was during her days as David Bailey's muse, the appeal of the two women are strikingly different. Gisele is a Brazilian bombshell, whereas Penelope's ethereal alien-like beauty commanded - but did not overpower - photographs. Personally, I find Penelope's photograph to be much more compelling - the lighting is more interesting as it casts deep shadows against Tree's cut-glass boney frame. The shape of her body in relation to the photograph of the whole is much more appealing as well - with her shoulders slightly rounded, Penelope's body subtly conforms to the circular shape of the necklace. Gisele's body is much more toned - the lighting falls against her lean muscles, not her bones, which appear softer and less contrasting under the light. Title: from "Chains" (The Cookies)