So why am I in this incredibly amazing situation right now? Well, as strange as it sounds, the reason is actually part of a story that started 20 years ago…
To give you a very brief rundown, my husband and I have been together since I was 16 (I’m 36 & he’s 40 now) and for the first the 14 years of our life together he was actually a professional bodyboarder who traveled around the world on the pro tour. In 1993 my talented hubby actually won the world title and was the first Australian ever to do so, taking the title away from the reigning Hawaiians., (yes, a pretty exciting time in our lives indeed!)
So, anyway, Michael no longer surfs competitively, and we hadn’t been back to Hawaii in over 11 years, however this year he was invited back to surf pipeline in a special event for the past world champions and to help promote the launch of the newly re-vamped bodyboarding world tour.
So it’s been a long time since I’ve been that ‘surfy chick’ sitting on the beach watching my boy surf, but to tell the truth, I’m so excited to be here and absolutely loving every moment. I’m going to be blogging and updating the mylookbook website while I’m here, but as you can see from the photo above, I have a slightly more relaxed office to work from!
Of course I’ll be putting together a full story to share with you about Hawaii, where to eat, shop, swim, find the best coffee etc. I’ll also be posting my regular updates so keep checking in and if you want to know anything about Hawaii, feel free to comment & I’ll do my best to find out for you while I’m here!
* A HUGE thank you to the IBA (International Bodyboarding Association) for giving us this opportunity & also the Ke Iki Beach Bungalows for their spectacular beach house accommodation!