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Wow! Is it August 4th already? This summer has truly flew by! The last day of the English camp included a huge closing ceremony, which featured performances by each class. It was rather cozy to be all stuffed into the tiny room. The kids were really cute as they were performing their songs and plays. My class (Class #2) performed a song called "Monkey See, Monkey Do" and a play titled "One Day", which was about different kinds of food coming to life in a restaurant. Don't they just look so adorable in their little hats that are labelled with pictures of food and character names? As much as I'm happy that the last 10 days of teaching are over, I must admit that a part of me will really miss the kids. The class surprised my co-teacher and I with handmade good-bye cards at the end of the day. There is one particular student that has truly touched my heart...want to know who? Stay tune for the following post! ;)
As I'm writing this, I'm finally back in my Nanjing home. It's so good to be home after spending the past 6 weeks living from hotel to hotel. I'm also glad to finally have some "me" time. It's a little different for me to adjust living with a roommate for 6 weeks in the same hotel room or even in the same house because well, being an only child has this effect. So let's just say that I'm really happy to be back in the comfort of my own room and a closed door ;)
PS, don't forget to enter my Dolly Wink giveaway which ends August 27. Follow the link on the side bar!