Fashion Time   +  Stevie Nicks

come together, right now
With all the buzz around the Fleetwood Mac tribute album "Just Tell Me That You Want Me," which features artists like Karen Elson, Lykke Li and Marianne Faithfull (basically everyone I love in my life),  I wonder if members of the seventies supergroup themselves got jealous.
No matter what it was that inspired them, the fact remains that Fleetwood Mac is reuniting. Actually reuniting. In real life. Not just inside of my head. Stevie Nicks confirmed today on CBS This Morning that the band will indeed get back together next year because, despite the various solo projects for each of the members, "that's what we do." I don't think I have to tell anyone that this is amazing news, but I will just in case: this is like really, really amazing news. So much for never going back again, eh guys?