I'm still in shock at the conflict that began just days after my trip was over, and as full of beauty and discoveries my time there was, the idea of posting this diary seemed frivolous. But my hosts from Kinetis were so gracious that I also feel really awful for taking over a month to share this with you (sorry Joanna and Adi!). I of course only hope for the safety of the citizens of both Palestine and Israel, this area of the world has been through so much for so long. The opportunity to travel to Israel (with my best friend!) for the first time was something that I couldn't say no to, I mean it was my first time even setting foot in the Middle East. I have to say that I didn't really know what to expect of Tel Aviv but after the week I spent there, I'm so in love with the people (SO FRIENDLY), the beach culture, the awestruck feeling of walking through Jerusalem, the nightlife, the California girl-friendly weather, and the crazy talented local fashion community. Oh and the Turkish coffee which I'm now addicted to. If my photos translate at least 10% of how amazing my trip was I'll be happy. Spotlighted in this post are designs by Maya Negri, Sharon Brunsher, Dorit Bar Or, Daniella Lehavi, Karen and Gideon Oberson, Noritamy, and Ishtar by Tamar Primak. Thank you to all the people I met during my stay and to my patient, hilarious, and inspiring friends at Kinetis, I can't wait to see you again. If you have questions about specifics, just Formspring them to me and I'll answer them there!
Fashion Time + Inspiration