Currently Playing [One Direction - Rock Me]

Until I can afford the Mulberry Alexa, I'll settle with this beautiful satchel from YesWalker. YesWalker is the sister site of YesStyle. The website delivering the latest clothing and accessories to forward-thinking fashionistas worldwide. arrived in 2006 and has since grown by leaps and bounds, but they want an even better way to show off the quality and affordability of their shoes (& bags). That’s where comes in. They’ve taken the very best shoes from and given them the spotlight that they deserve.
I find that the overall layout of YesWalker is very similar to YesStyle; extremely easy to navigate through it. I trust that most of the photos are accurate because I have never had an issue with YesAsian or YesStyle before. Additionally, the shipping takes around 2 weeks time, so do expect a little wait to receive your goodies. As for the price, it's reasonable because you are paying for more unique styles. It's more special than your typical H&M or Forever 21 items.
Now onto the bag! This particular purse is really the perfect size! Just enough to fit all my essentials that I need without being too heavy. It can either be dressed down or dressed up. Magnetic closures make it really easy to open and close the bag with ease. It's also a very nice colour that matches with almost any other colour. It's cute and the photos are very accurate. I just have two dislikes: 1) the strap is that makes it a cross-over bag is a little weak and 2) the leather can be a little stronger. But overall, I highly recommend this bag for the everyday working girl.

PS, don't forget to enter my Urban Decay Naked Basics Palette giveaway, follow the link on the side bar!