Well loves, summer is coming to an end. Hope you enjoyed the last few months! I hit the beach Labor Day weekend wearing a dress I made recently (can you believe I've actually been sticking with this sewing hobby?!). I bought this fabric--and more--during my first trip to a store called Five Eighth Seams in Charleston, SC. Love, love, love that place...so adorable. And as you can see they've got great fabrics in there! While in my hometown, I did a bit of sewing-related shopping. You'll be seeing a lot more of my work here, including a fun spin on the way *right-click save* my favorite looks. This fabric reminded me of a beach towel, so it was only natural for me to take a trip to the Isle of Palms.

Wanna Right-Click Save?Maxi dress made by yours truly!Forever 21 beltRandom flip flops The dress may not be perfect...hey, I'm a newbie for cryin' out loud. But my trip home and the weather was just right.