Hello loves!
Can I tell you how glad I am that tomorrow's Friday? It's been quite a week!
I found out that the fabulous Rachel Jay of Thoughts of a Hobbyist Model nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award! Thanks a million, Rachel!

When I first started blogging, I noticed this award being presented to different blogger babes. I couldn't figure out how to get one, though. Did I have to bribe someone? Was there some sort of blogger academy responsible for selecting award recipients? Maybe there's a panel like on American Idol, where Randy Jackson says, "Yo dawg, I like your style. You get a Versatile Blogger Award, dude!!"?
Fortunately, Rachel Jay was sweet enough to show me love and hand me a golden ticket. I'm going to Hollywood!!
In order to accept the award, I must follow a few guidelines:
The Rules
- Thank the award-giver and link back to them in your post.
- Share 7 random things about yourself.
- Pass this award along to 15 recently discovered blogs you enjoy reading.
- Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.
- Add the versatile Blogger Award pic on your blog post.
- Do the Stanky Leg.
Okay, #6 is not one of the rules (I did the Stanky Leg on my own).
Random Facts About Yours Truly
1. Although I'm very chatty here, I'm actually pretty quiet in person. 2. I work as an Instructional Technology Specialist. 3. I'm a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. 4. My left foot is slightly larger than my right foot. 5. I still sleep with a nite lite on occasion. 6. I went zip-lining in Puerto Rico and skydiving in the same year. That ish cray (but it was soooo much fun!) 7. I'm obsessed with sushi. Yum!!
15 Right-Click Save-Worthy Blogs
NuSophisticate Marley Simone J'Adore-Fashion Be Loud, Be You Understand the Glam Baby Budget Blog Bambi's Armoire Just Patience Kandi Style Peacock Revolution LA Lynn's Accessory Shoppe Cheap & Fab Mom on a Nickel Spoon Full of Sugar What's More Important Than Fashion? Fashion Pad
Alright loves, you've got some reading, drooling, and right-click saving to do with these fab blogs.