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I don't think I've ever been this crazy, crazy as in lining up in front of a store in the middle of the night. JL and I went to our local Target on Sunday morning (around 3-4am) and to our shock, there were already 2 girls in front of us. So we waited until the opening of the Target at 8am and literally, RAN to get all the items that I had wanted once the store opened.

It's fair to say that I got more than what I had expected. (Even though I didn't manage to snag the BOOM sweaters and there wasn't any other colours for the bags). And I'm not exaggerating when I say that EVERYTHING in the store were cleaned up within 2 minutes! Even looking back on it now, the first few minutes are still a blur to me. My memories consisted of hands coming in and flying out and then heading to the cash registered within 5 minutes. I never even looked at the items, we just paid and left ASAP in fear that we would start to get harassed. I am super happy with this purchase, though I haven't decided if I'm going to keep everything just yet. I'm surprised that JL managed to get all the xs of the leopard print items! I totally love leopard prints. And I'm really excited to work this pattern into my wardrobe!
Did you girls manage to get anything else from the collection? I would love to see your haul so please do comment below and let me know! :)