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In the past 3 years (wow I can't believe it's been that long already), I have accumulated quite a handful of fashion/outfit posts on THISWASFOREVER. The above photos are just a few that I really enjoyed piecing together. For those who have been following me since the beginning, you can probably tell how my style has evolved throughout the years. I get a lot of questions about my style or to classify my style and to be honest, I really can't. Most days, I just wear whatever feels right. And to be honest, I think the one word that probably fits my style the best is bipolar.
Anyways, with that being said, I'm running for the MiBAwards by Made in Blog for the Best Canadian Fashion Blog. In each category, the 10 blogs with the most votes will be selected for the final phase of the jury vote. So if I can ask for a small favour and ask each of you to please vote for THISWASFOREVER in the fashion category, it would make me really happy :) I really hope to take this blog higher in 2014 (so many exciting news coming soon!) and I want you to come on this journey with me. Please click below on the icon to vote for me and as always, thank you!