Fashion Time   +  TIME

Time Flies

I say it every year, but I can't believe summer is nearly over.

Remember when we were kids and Summer lasted like...a whole year!


The busy time has begun...seems like every day something needs attention to get harvested, dried, etc...grapes, rose hips...beans, corn...another few days plums, prunes (which take days and days for me to get under control). The outcome however, is well worth the effort.

How is everyone's homemade blackberry liqueur lookin '?

Uh, shook it, didn'tcha ?

Well, if you've left it alone, it should look like this at about three weeks later

I'm going to let this continue for another week; then it will be time to strain it off and put it in some pretty little jelly jars.

Organic Rosehips in our front garden.

Interested in some dried organic rosehips ? I'm going to post a few packages on Etsy soon. Use them for tea, stove simmers, potpourri...these dry very nicely and are rich in color; not like the dried primitive hips you see.

And of course, I can't post today without bragging about my lovelies...

French Heirloom Pumpkin nearly made it to the top step of my 7 foot ladder

Have a great Tuesday!