I am still missing the fact that I won't be having a Fall show...so it's been nice to receive e-mails from folks sharing their understanding in my decision. It's also nice to learn that some of my favorite Sage Patch pals would not have been able to make the dates anyway! (Bonnie being one of them!)
Bonnie always gives me such nice comments about my photos, recipes and such, that always brightens my day...so these few photos are for her. Happy Harvest Bonnie!
I absolutely love the colors, the frosty mornings with the sun shining and of course the dew on all the spider webs. What is it that draws us to admire them so, when they are frosty or dripping with dew? Any other time, we are quick to knock or spray them down, right?
Click on photo to see the double spider webs...
With a loaf of homemade pumpkin bread from my first harvested heirloom in the oven; a nice hot cup of joe and me in my hubby's flannel robe and sheep fleece slippers...I just had to grab my camera and snap some photos before I was seen by my neighbors leaving for work or the garbage man! (Surely, they are used to it by now!)
I've harvested 15 lbs of Rosehips off of my four plants...which have quickly become a nice natural fence for the front garden...it continues to bloom strong and just looks plain lovely!
The last of the heirlooms will be cut and brought down from the ladder that they grew up this season.
I sure do love these little ruby color gems that shot up nearly three feet tall this year.
Hope your Tuesday is full of Sunshine and Harvest Colors!!!