VERY disappointed to wake up to ZERO snow on the ground today...even though the weathermen have been talking about this for several days.
Despite there being no snow, the sun came out early and my soggy garden became very SPARKLY from the rain.
So I grabbed my camera and took Tucker out to walk around the garden a bit.
My Joe Pye Weed (8 ft plus tall) that I let go to seed to feed birds through the Winter.
It's probably not a good thing to be proud of how well you can grow ferns, if they are growing upside-down and out of your roof...even if it is on the roof of your playhouse! But isn't it lovely?!
My poor little waterlogged and weathered fairy...although she always has a smile on her face, so she must be happy in a bed of thyme and winter savory!
Shortly after this shot, we got back up on the patio to look out one more time before going in; and I suddenly heard/felt something on my shoulder.
It's not every morning a Hummingbird lands on your shoulder for a wee morning it?
Yup! That's right folks! A female Anna's hummingbird LANDED ON MY SHOULDER and sat there for about 7 seconds. It was yet another magical memory I will cherish!
Despite having my camera in my hand, there was no way I was going to move or look away from her. Too many times I've missed out on some unbelievable sights from fumbling around with my camera. I've learned that I'd much rather enjoy something amazing than miss it all together.
This is one of my fav Hummer pics that I took a few years back of a female Anna like the one from this morning.

This sweet girl lived up above the playhouse in the holly tree. She would follow me around and wasn't bothered at all how close I got to her. While she never landed on my shoulder, I think she was forever grateful that I rescued her from getting trapped in some bird netting.
Happy Wednesday!