Hey loves! How was your weekend? You won't believe the kind of luck I have. Yours truly won tickets to the Style Bloggers of Color conference, held this past weekend in Atlanta.
Annnnnd, yours truly wasn't able to attend all of the fabulous events *wall slides*
I took a few pics while I was there, but they're not even worth posting. But I know the rest of the beautiful bloggers who were in attendance will have amazing recaps for us all to enjoy. Be sure to check them out!
Here's what I wore on Saturday...
I thought this mural I drove past was so cool. I just had to break out the tripod and awkwardly pose in front of it. Mission accomplished!

Wanna Right-Click Save?Zara dressVintage belt (obviously I can't get enough of this belt)Michael Kors watchThe usual arm partyH&M clutchZara shoes (obviously I can't get enough of these shoes)
Catch ya later, loves!