Fashion Time   +  Vintage Finds

She's out there somewhere...

As we have the other and Holy Cowboy boots, is she a beaut!
This is a Hercules bronze spur, probably from the 20's. Makers attempted to 'out do' each other with their artistic designs. This one is a lady's stockinged leg (As in Saloon Gal's!)

I will be posting her on our Etsy shop...but wanted to post a few photos of her here to show off.

We are slowly posting things on Etsy . I'm sure it will go a bit faster with time, however I'm still attempting to learn how to use my camera, as well as dig out boxes to sort out things for Etsy and things for our Spring sale.

Other random news around the place includes getting our sign in the post from the National Wildlife Association.

Here I've just propped it up for the photo, but we will likely post it permanently at the lower level of the drought tolerant garden. This is where we have concentrated the most efforts to increase and support wildlife. The sign is very nice and we are proud of our efforts and enjoy every minute of our creature comforts.

We have been having some fantastic sunny days, which makes me have Spring Fever and itch to get out in the garden. The downside is with curtains drawn and windows cracked open, I realize how dirty my house really is! ugh!

With the sunny days, I've decided to drag out bright sunny colors to have around the house. I don't think I've shared her before, but here is a photo of my favorite quilt that is now covering the sofa.

Quilted on both sides, I have the side with the most reds/pinks showing. I really love finding things that have the owners or makers name somewhere on the piece. As you can see this was 'Viola Farmer's' quilt. She has her name on both sides. How sweet is that? If Viola was truly the creator of this quilt, she put a lot of hard work into this one! Thank you Viola, I will cherish this always!